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so the BDR is the more modern and thus the better cobra. I never said the Jag rear end was not good, but it is not modern. My lowly little Hunter cobra could also be lifted at the corners without any noises, and the body provided no structural support(do they even make replica cobras that do any more?), all for a 23 thousand dollar investment. My point in all of this has nothing to do with ERA quality, I was just responding to the statement that ERA was very modern and thus so superior to a Kirkham or CSX car, I just dont see it frankly, and because ERA 's website says that a square tube frame is stronger does not make it fact. I honestly do not know which is stronger but the FFR guys keep telling us how strong their frame is, again that does not make it so. Fix a dent by the way can repair a dent in an aluminum cobra for about 35 dollars and 20 minutes , try that with a glass car.
SPF Daytona coupe 055, Roush 427R