Originally Posted by undy
Not to be a KC thumper but .... does your local engine builder have a 5 axis CNC machine and probably one of the most killer pieces of CNC software around for Ebok FE heads? Does he have a CNC block machine for blue printing all his blocks. I could go on... There's more here than just one's abilities, integrity and customer service. The "tools" also make the mechanic. There are other tremendous engine builders on this site other than KC ... Barry w/ Survival Motorsports, Southern Automotive and George w/ Gessford to name a few. I'm sure there's a lot of local talent out there too. KC's "assets" played a major role in my decision to go with him. In the FE world of more or less one-off engine block (and head) castings by comparatively small businesses like Pond, Dove and Genesis, it's nice to know your guy has the equipment to make all the manufacturing inconsistencies go away.. The same holds true if you want to bring a seasoned 65 side oiler block back to Ford's original drawing specifications too. If you level all the resources then I'd go with any of the aforementioned builders and maybe even one or two around my haunts.. jus' my 0.02..
My comments were never intended as a "my guy - your guy" type of comparison, please don't go there with this.
The simple point was, and is, as you ended up stating so clearly, there are many good options to look at in terms of builders, they should
all be researched.
By the way KC and his work are integrated into certain area's my 68' SO.