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LOL...there ya go, WHAT, Brent ?
I understand the quotation, but this whole episode was NEVER written in the original Greek versions of the New Testament. It was introduced into a LATIN translation MUCH later. Doesn't really matter since the sentiment is quite inspirational, no matter who said it, butt even accepting the incredible 'long shot' that the ORIGINALS were a literal version of what was actually said, THIS particular one was NEVER part of the ORIGINALS.
Not wishing to get off the track of this thread, but the New Testament alone has more than 200,000 known 'errors' that have been introduced since the original gospels were drafted! This is just one of the more well known ones. The 'Vulgate' translation in particular introduced a significant number of the errors, and the King James a whole bunch more. It may well have been the "word of god" 2000 years ago, but the "tools of man" have rendered it VASTLY different than the original message!!!
Cave magister imperitus - Beware the inexperienced teacher
"No, I DON'T have an accent, this is how English sounds when it is pronounced correctly!"
Last edited by GlynMeek; 06-03-2008 at 06:03 PM..