Originally Posted by REAL 1
What does "years later mean"? You say 1997. But after 1962 why can't we say those Cobras made years later in 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968 are replicas of the originals made in 1962 (CSX2000) and the first 3000 series?
That is an embarrassingly lame argument. Real, you're Really sounding like a devious lawyer or, heaven forbid, Hillary Clinton doing her pathetically transparent spinning routine.
Everyone who has at least a couple of brain cells rubbing together knows that Real Cobras were made in a more-or-less continuous production run from 1962 to 1967. Unless it was spit out by Shelby in those years, it's a fake, notwithstanding the efforts of a small group of stubborn people who seek financial gain and/or a much-needed ego boost by contending otherwise (again, certain leeway is reasonably allowed for a very small number of AC cars produced close in time to the relevant period).