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Hey Joewillie, good comments...but much like your Rolex example...Ferrari's have been copied for years, in the 80's the Pontiac Fiero was a popluar chassis to remake Ferrari's and Lambos. I don't recall any complaints by either manufacture. No, I'm sure Enzo would not sign the dash...but if he would, would he charge $200?!?!?!?!
As for my "fake", I sleep well at night because...well, it has a "Shelby" vin plate which through lawyers was settled and now installed on all new Superformance MKIII's and funny how now I can go to a dealer and see a "fake" SPF sold next to a "fake" Shelby continuation car (real funny if you read all the HATE Shelby intially had for SPF during the litigation process). I guess my point is this, the man never complained for what twenty or thirty years...with knowledge of what was happening. But now, I am supposed to support his complaints when the reason for the complaints seem like cheap shots at the people who have either kept his name growing, created the desire for a car he himself abandonded for the next two generations of hotroders or have simply protected his "real cars" through careful documentation. No, this old fart has no respect for anyone or anything that doesn't send him a check.