Gee whiz
The Red Wings won the Stanley Cup and Tru has not been on the site yet crowing about it.

Tru must really be busy, or he celebrated just a wee bit too much!
Ron - I just finished my list of local cruise-nights. The list is published in my car club newsletter. I restricted it to a 40 mile radius from the car club location. There are 22 cruise night locations! One of the new locations is at the Foxboro Stadium (Patriots Place) and they had 200 cars the first night! Not too bad, especially since we can only go in three directions. Any more than a couple of miles going East, and you need an Amphibious car.

I know you love doctors ... I have my bi-annual visit to the dermatologist this afternoon. That is one appointment I do not miss since I had 2 small cancerous growths removed about 10 years ago. Nothing since then, thankfully. But I always mention anything that grows (except for one important part) or changes color. The only doctor that I've ever seen that is always on time.