Originally Posted by Clois Harlan
Just 4 times, oh NO! Now I have to replace all those bolts and nuts that I have had off and on more than four times.
By the way, how many of you keep band aids in your garage just so you won't have to go inside and explain what happened? Sometimes you just don't want to admit how certain things happened, either that or once you regain consiousness you can't remember what you were doing before everything went black. OSHA hand book anyone?
Band Aids?
Jeez Clois, I keep a $100 First Aid kit front and center on my main work bench, years of experience says thats where it needs to be, and it needs restocking.
Hell, I'm on a first name basis with the local EMT's.
I have a really snappy, high sped technique for getting the garage doors closed before I cut loose with my special "creative language course" while trying to dial in my bell housing or stabbing my wrist with a cheap Phillips or touching the tip of my welding torch to my bare knee.
The neighborhood moms all know where they can find their kids...at the end of my driveway listening for more "special" words to share at show and tell at school.