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Ah Yes! I have done everything wrong at one time or another, things like:
Drilling through my finger, burning my hands, legs, face and various other parts of my body while welding, picking up hot metal parts, spraying fluids in my eyes, getting metal and other debris in my eyes (required going to the hospital). Numerous cuts, stabs and of course ..electric shocks. Tripping over everything by the car and blaming it on my own stupidity and yelling millions of dirty vulgar words.
Now, this sounds like I'm an unsafe operator, but you must know its over a period of 50 years, so if you divide it by the number of days (17600 days)...its not so bad.
Now my best advice is to be prepared. Be ready for these emergencies ...... have plenty of duct tape, clean rags and a refrig. full of cold beer in the shop. Next, never let your wife hear you scream or cry......just calm down and fix it.
Last, drink a few beers and sit back and ponder how wonderful your Cobra is and how much fun your having.
Old Fool, Bill