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Old 06-06-2008, 05:27 AM
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Good morning all. This morning my ankle is better. My whole foot is still swollen, but there is not any pain when I walk without the boot. I can't bend it fully without pain yet, but just standing on it does not hurt. Swelling has gone down by about 50% so it is starting to look more like a foot and less like a balloon. The bruising from the ripped blood vessels can be seen on both sides of my ankle, the bottom of my foot and around my middle toe. I don't think I could have hurt it any worse and still not needed surgery. Even before my 2nd surgery, I did not have this much bruising, and the only time it was worse was the initial injury in 93. That time from my knee down was swollen and purple. I actually almost passed out from the massive internal bleeding the day after. I didn't need any blood, but I was close. I had to stay in a bed for 4 days. It really is not as fun as you would think getting a sponge bath, then again, having a male nurse that was hairier than I am, probably did not help matters.
Why do they call it "Common Sense" when it is so rare?
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