Originally Posted by A-Snake
Please enlighten us. You're saying an original '64 Cobra or an original '63 Corvette Grand Sport is treated the same as a component car produced in 2008?
I'm a little lost on the registration thing too. Regardless of how stupid the DMV is, a Continuation CSX is NOT sold as a full car, and in that respect cannot be compared to any full car no matter what it was or when it was made.
The titling process will AWALYS be a gray area of debate, because all the states handle it differently. Some states will use the car's issued VIN, title it as a 1965 cobra, and send you on your way. Other states will issue you their own VIN, put a big ugly yellow VIN sticker on the car, title it as a 2008, and make you put bumpers, DOT lights, and all the other crap on before they let you title the car.
Sal Mennella
CSX 4241, KMP 357 - sold and missed, CSX 4819 - cancelled, FFR 5132 - sold
See my car at CSXinfo.net here >> CSX 4241