Originally Posted by Jac Mac
Times like this I ' Allmost ' wish GM had said -'''certainly, we can supply you all the engines you need.'''
Cut that out Jac Mac, you are starting to sound like me and a lot of the guys in the UK, Aussie and NZ who stick GM engines in anything at all.
Having said that CS did the amalgamation with AC/FORD and I know hindsight is a great thing but someone would have stuck a V8 in that chassis sooner or later, but it probably wouldnt have had the backing of a guy like CS, and the timing was right for the SCCA racing etc in the sixties. I think he should be happy the ol skinflint, he is always trying make money sometimes questionable at that. When someone comes up with a good idea there will always be copiers etc and I say he should get over it and be happy that his creation was endorsed the way it has been.