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What the hell can be next???
Perhaps Mr $helby will invent something else, the internet (if Al Gore doesn't mind) or to keep in a mechanical vein of thought for him maybe his name will pop up on jet engines, or given some research time and the help of his lawyers he can claim to have ended slavery.
I don't claim to know all there is to know about the C$ vs $AAC, but no matter what Mr $helby says that group of people did more to keep his name and visions of spectacular performing "kit cars" from the 60's alive and well than anyone else could have done, especially him. Interview after interview both in print and on tape show him claiming those "old" cars were done and he didn't want anything to do with them. I'm from Texas also and I certainly can recognize some good ole' TX BS when I see it. For Pete's sake you couldn't miss this BS from outer space its so obvious.
I'm sorry JoeWilly if you think your icon is being wronged, but since it appears you are overly concerned with his repuation and know him so much better than the rest of us ask him for me to re-consider his actions and the cost to the legacy he claims he wants to defend.
I will say one last thing and hopefully someone can explain this to Mr $helby. Having a heart transplant does not mean you have to lose all your heart and soul.
I wonder how many SAAC members named their kids Carol, Carroll, Shelby etc....If that isn't respect for the man I don't know what it takes to show appreciation.
Kirkham or ERA for me...Never a CSX....Maybe I can get David Kirkham to sign my dash....He is a better engineer than CS ever was, oh wait he wasn't.