Originally Posted by lovehamr
You're going for looks and you're considering an FFR over a BDR? I feel like I'm missing something. Have you looked at the two?
I have to agree, A FFR is pretty easy to spot compared to the rest of them. BDR not so much but you can tell the difference( Personally I like them) SPF, ERA, pretty close in appearance. When I had my spf painted I the body shop guy had a FFR in there and I asked him how much time he spends on one? He told me that he ususally has 4 guys on it for a month to a month and a half, granted when he is done with them they look extreamly nice but they are not cheap. I guess my point is that if you want a comperable car you are going to spend comparable money, so the real question is how nice and how fast do you want it?