I went to Falafel Drive-In on Stevens Creek today to meet up with TKB289 and Dangerous Doug. Got there early and while waiting, I saw someone that looked familiar... it was my ex-boss from 8 years ago! He was with his dad. We both spied each other; I knew he looked familiar and then he shouted out my name! So we had a good 10-15 minute talk covering the last 8 years. Then Tim and Doug show up so we order up a falafel sandwich and man that was good.
We then convene over to my FFR and then Scott ( scooter), his brother and a co-worker walk over and dissed my FFR as a Vette!!!!!
I didn't recognize him w/o his Harley cap on!!!
I helped Tim load up the engine hoist into Doug's Jeep before heading back to work. I didn't know this joint drew in such great people!!!! Have to go there more often.