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No. I respect that you would ask, very much so, but in all honesty no, I can not in good faith tell you to wait any longer. I would suggest the letter first but that is your decision.
I like many, was truly hoping AND thinking this would all be over in a positive by now. Nothing I can do at this point except help where I can.
Kawika please don't confuse a "Gag Order" and strong attorney advice. The Attorney simply is protecting his client from saying anything that can be turned around, misconstrued, and used against his client. Two major differences. Maybe I am being too one sided here, but Don and I both got caught up in a nightmare that involved the same person. My case was finally dropped when the individual refused to show up in court, but the ramifications done to Don may be irreversible. (?)
Last edited by Double Venom; 06-12-2008 at 02:39 AM..