Thread: Plugs
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Old 06-12-2008, 04:26 AM
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Default They break down internally and go dead

TC cobra Lets stay with just Autolite and AC. I'm a 28+year master gm tech by trade. This is what I have seen and can tell you from the GM side. The high voltage coming from the coils and the long spark kill autolites in a gm car in a year. We get misfires out the ying-yang. You can look at the plug and see that the spark leaks out between ceramic upper and metal housing. It leaves a carbon trail. The other thing is by spraying water on the plugs you see spark arching to the heads. You can install any plug in any model. IMO depending on the output voltage of the coil or coils, it is either too much or not enough. This causes the failures. You can put Champions in any motor. In about 4-6 weeks of driving you can feel the power loss. Pull the plugs, glass bead them and you are good for another 4-6 weeks. Been there,done this since the mid 70's. People see these cheap tuneups with sparkplugs for sale like Autolites, Mighty Mite, Champion, and Bosch. In GM cars and trucks we get about 30% come back within 6-9 months with missfires. Ask yourself this, Why does one spark plug cost or sell for $1.99 and another for the same car sell for $4.99??? The higher price is the one that the dealership sells only. I don't manufacture the plugs, but for GM products I know what works. AC. I do like NGK's for blown applications. They seam to hold up very well with MSD systems. Rick L

Last edited by RICK LAKE; 06-12-2008 at 04:28 AM.. Reason: still sleeping
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