I carry the tow strap and cellphone in car. We have the AAA card I haven't used it for the Cobra. We have taken it out on some overnight trips. Some have been eventfull . On a local trip, We Left my nephews home late one evening only to find I had no lights , went home by the four way flashers. One trip up the coast the
oil foamed and went away. I replaced the
oil with Mobil 1 things got better right away. Another trip last summer, a wif of steam up through a sparkplug heat sheild enitiated a summer of getting the heads welded. Now a trip to the gas station to get gassed up is a planned event. $4.49 per gal. I had a half tank and spent $52($40 + $12) and still had room for more. I spend a lot more time checking gauges. A warm up period is important before getting to the throttle. Watch for drips on garage floor when you move the car. Think about which friends and relatives (That could help )are home before you leave. With one of these cars you will get attention some good some bad.