Originally Posted by Double Venom
Ed, couple of questions both answers are strictly your choice;
The choice/debate between and AMP gauge or a VOLT gauge has been going on for years. My opinion AMP gauges can be and are a possible very serious hazard. If you know how to actuallly read one it can tell you a lot more about your system but at the cost of what?
Second-Dash layout shows a mechanical CHOKE. Is that what you want or electric? Maybe the carb you have is already mechanical, if that is the case so be it.
Ok. I'm totally ignorant with the difference between the AMP and VOLT meter debate, but as with most of the things around this build. I have no problems deferring to your experience. I called Nisonger and they'll swap the AMP for a VOLT, so we should be good there.
I do have a mechanical choke on the carb. Didn't think I would really ever be in a situation were the choke would really come into play, so I went old school and went mechanical. I think it looks cool
with the old style choke on the dash.