betzjr66 The problem is wheel hop that does most the damage to the trans, clutch and rearend IMO. You you have to do is come out of the hole easy and then you can get into it. The gain and lose of traction is what breaks more parts than anything else. Leave the starting line at 1,200 rpms, If the car squats and leaves, raise the rpm's another 100 rpm, When you start to spin you tires off the starting line back down 100 and stay there. Make sure that both rear tires have the same pressure in them. If the rear shocks are adjustable, turn down the dampeners to softer so the car will that weight transfers, the rear of the car will go down and leave. This puts more weight on the rear tires to hold the track surface. If you get wheel hop off the line, and the whole car shakes, GET THE HELL OUT OF THE GAS.
Don't try to quick shift the trans too fast. I have seen some guys go from 2nd to 5th more times than I can count ( 7 )
. I race with 2nd gear and stay out of first, the shift is to quick, and in 2nd it slows down some of the power shock to the rear tires. Don't worry about the other car, If you are ahead great, if not keep 1/2 an eye on him for keeping control of his car. If that little voice starts talking in your ear, listen and get out of the gas.
Save the car for next run.
That's the best info I have to give you. Don't run fastern than 12.00 They will throw you off the track for safety issues.
Been there had this happen. OPPPSSS.
Have fun and be careful Rick L.