Originally Posted by Got the Bug
Just a hunch, but I think we'll see $4.00 gas before we see $6.00 gas. Some say that the run up in oil prices is due to speculation. If that's the case (no one knows), the bubble will burst and we'll benefit from slightly lower gas prices.
Premium gas in my area, Sacramento, CA, is $4.77 and I consider that price to be $5 I feel for those who have 3 ton truck/SUV's that get 14-19 mpg that those owners drive (commute) on a daily basis, now that is expensive. I choose when to drive my Cobra. If I had to drive my Cobra 100 miles daily to work at 10-12 mpg ($5 an hr as someone computed) that would put on strain on my budget.
But my Cobra is pure entertainment for me and I am worth $5/hr. (at least most of the time...
