Originally Posted by DAVID GAGNARD
According to my Chemist buddy that works for EXXON, with the KNOWN oil reserves of today, we have enough oil for at least another 75 years,
...possibly, but if you read a little book called "Out of Gas" (
http://search.barnesandnoble.com/boo...id%2DGoodstein ) which (among other things) discusses my much mentioned Hubbert Peak, the MAJOR problem does NOT come when we run out of
oil altogether (... in 75 years?), but when we have used up HALF of the Earth's oil reserves (i.e. The Hubbert Peak). THAT particular occurence is predicted by many to be within 10 years at the most. At that point, we will enter a whole new era of political and social unrest where the current issues of $140 per barrel crude oil, variable supply and demand, worldwide protests over gasoline pricing and the Iraq 'oil war' will seem like playground squabbles. For anyone who is interested in our REAL alternatives to hydrocarbon based Western economies, I recommend this book. It is a little heavy going at times for those of you who do NOT have a science background, but having read extensively on the subject, this is THE most accurate account I have read of what we face this century.
For those of you with weak stomachs, it is also the SCARIEST book I have EVER read in my life as it paints a (how shall we say?) less-than-rosy picture of our alternatives. It is an apolitical tome written by a scientist, NOT a journalist, that explores hydrogen, nuclear (that would be 'nucular' for all you 'W' supporters...lol) , solar, wind, tidal, bio and thermal alternatives with cold hard facts and especially discusses not only the statistics and true yields of these alternatives, but also examines how to convert the western economies to any combination of these alternatives in the 10-20 years we have left to do so.