This is kind of a two fold reply. First the reason that Companies will not write since you do not have a personal automobile policy is your personal use exposure on your Company vehicle. The insurance on the Company vehicle protects the Company while you are driving it. If you have an accident and the Company and you are named in a lawsuit the Company has insurance but you do not. If you had a personal automobile policy this exposure is picked up there under the other vehicle insured. This exposure for you is huge as you would not have any personal liability coverage or defense cost coverage in the event of a claim brought against you. You also do not have coverage in the event you would borrow, rent or drive another vehicle such as a friends. The drive other car option endorsement would take care of this personal situation for you but I can understand your situation with the employer. There is a policy called non-owned auto that I write for people that have a Company vehicle and do not own a personal auto but this is not the case for you. You need to correct this situation as soon as possible for your own protection. The collectible markets will not write the coverage without the DOC endorsement as they do not want to pick up your personal exposure on the Company vehicle 24/7, which they could be held accountable.
Here is a way that we can help you. If you obtain a personal automobile policy on the Cobra for liability only they would take care of the liability exposure on the Cobra as well as fill this personal need for coverage. We would then write the physical damage coverage on the car for you, the comprehensive and collision. This is the coverage that most Companies do not want to write and we do a much better job for you on this than they would.
I know there are others in your same situation, they just do not know it. They have asked about insurance on their Company vehicle and have been told there is coverage on it, sure there is to protect the Company.
I Know this is a little long winded but hope it helps.
I will be at the London Cobra Show sometime tomorrow through Saturday stop by and see me if you are at the show.
Midwest Classic Insurance