Partly cloudy and 72°F here. It is fantastic outside, even when I'm doing work around the yard. Ugh, there's that 4 letter word again. Got to get my ride in this afternoon before the next rain and thunderstorms. The last few days (and the rest of the week) is/will be weird. Cool temps and thunderstorms each afternoon.
I can take it
Drove to a cruise night yesterday before the game. About 1 mile from the site, the roads were soaking wet from a downpour. All of the cars were wet in the parking lot. I timed it just right ... never got a drop of rain on the Cobra. It was fun watching about 10 Corvette owners drying their cars, as quite a few people surrounded my car asking questions.
There are only 3 cruise-ins close to me tonight. I'll have to flip a coin to see which one I'll go to if it does not rain.
OK, time for lunch and watch all the babes on the Las Vegas TV show.