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Old 06-18-2008, 12:38 PM
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Mark,Kawika, et.,al.,
Door latch cut outs: First take a small grinder 2" and grind the inside of the body a little bit where the "Bear Claw latch" fits. This area usually has a lot of extra glass in it making it almost impossible for the latch to sit flush. Once you have it ground out to be fairly smooth close the latch and hold it in place, pulling it tight against the body itself. After you have put the door striker in the door (and the body is mounted tight of course, close the door easy and mark where the actual latch is hitting-(the barrell of the striker). Now cut this from the outside matching your lines. Cut just deep enough so the latch will fully close. Now put the latch on from the inside, making sure the safety latch actually closes completely, two clicks. Now move the latch as tight as you can against the body, pulling outward. Make sure the latch is straight as posssible up and down. Drill one hole useing the bolt holes in the latch. Insert a bolt and a nut holding the latch fairly tight. Drill the next two holes for the latch.

Remove the latch and drill the holes on the inside with a tapered bit 5/16's. Now you can test fit, have the latch open and you can see where the little divit has to be cut for the latch to fully open. Once that is done just use the latch for a guide and cut out the rest of the fiberglass. Piece of cake!

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