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Old 06-19-2008, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by GlynMeek View Post
Ralph...GREAT question, but perhaps it should be answered with what I haven't done...

1) I haven't wrecked the economy
2) I haven't been the reason behind over 4,000 unnecessary American deaths in Iraq, tens of thousands of Americans maimed, and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis
3) I haven't alienated the rest of the civilized world and made America the pariah of nations
4) I haven't made all of my decisions based on a consistently wrong 'gut feel', but have attempted to at least elucidate some FACTS every now and again
5) I haven't lied to the whole country
6) I haven't polarized this country more than any other President on record

oooh, but I DID build a Cobra...LOL!
This is NOT a knock against Republicans, conservative principles, Christians or right wing politics, merely a critique of the most intellectually-uncurious and lowest-IQ President we have EVER had! I just wish the so-called leader-of-the-free-world had just a little bit of THAT so much to ask for?
1)neither did Bush
2)they were very necessary as it allows you to say the stupid shiat you do.ANd we are never leaving Iraq.Get used to it.
3&4)phuck the rest of the world and what they think.When "they" have saved the world TWICE-then "they"can have an opinion.Untill then,they get the opinion we give them.
5) and no other presidents have lied-right?How about FDR letting Pearl Harbor happen for openers.But lets not digress-o.k.?

Why do you conviently forget/omit the FACT that the situation we are in now is largely if not completely attributable to Jimmy Carter?
The rest of the world can have their opinion about the United States just as soon as WE give it to them.

Last edited by Cobrabill; 06-19-2008 at 09:44 PM..
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