Originally Posted by Power Surge
I thought maybe you had a brain fart .
The tubes are strictly vents. You can't have pressure equalization between them because the air cleaner is obviously open to atmosphere (otherwise the car wouldn't run). You'd need some kind of sealed enviornment for pressure equalization to occur.
Also, the higher end Holley based carbs with the upgraded needle/seats can handle 8-9 psi.
Not true..
Actually you do have a pressure equalization between the two. The vents are common to the inside of the air cleaner which is under atmospheric pressure or a little less depending on rpm, throttle position and the negative pressure within the air cleaner. That all being said, they will equallize due to both bowls venting to a common area. If there wasn't a vent then under the right conditions the bowls wouldn't fill due to being "air locked".
Remember... Atmosphere (@ sea level) is around 14 PSIA, which is still a pressure