Originally Posted by Got the Bug
Leaves tons of room to work in the engine compartment, but the position of the alternator is very close on an SPF.
Doug, I just had mine out recently (had to tear down the whole front half of the motor to fix a $1.00 dowel pin for the fuel pump eccentric...nice!) and it's not all that bad. Just use the right tools/extensions. The harder part for me was when I replaced the water pump while I was at it...the bosses on the new pump were different and I had to modify the spacers and/or use a few stainless washers as shims to properly align the alt pulley with the crank/water pump pulley(s).
Boy, some of the engines on this thread make you just sigh and make your d*** shrivel up as if you just jumped into a cold river. I'm thinking of deleting my photo post out of embarrassment.