Originally Posted by DTurnbull
I'll reserve comment, but no I don't necessarily agree.. I think you miss the point, for whatever odd & strange reason. You're assuming that people don't care about their histories and stories, or you don't want them to. Since people often do things, like buy a car, without reading every fricking $200 book & every forum out there, doesn't mean the outcome is what they intended when all is said and done. Apparently you have an issue with replicas otherwise you wouldn't make such snooty remarks as "especially when one has no idea why the originals even existed."
Make sense?
If I missed your point, I apologize. I though I was commenting to your statement;
"It appears, to me anyway, that many people jump into building and/or buying these cars without necessarily much interest to their history or stories in the beginning."
If people are going to "jump" into buying a car that has been built/assembled by someone other than a (what should I call them) major manufacturer of finished vehicles their first concern should be the quality of the build, not whether the car has wheels or rivots that match an original car. (Perhaps I shouldn’t have left the word ‘first’ out.)
Again, if one is building a car and has no interest in the history of the original cars, build it the way you like keeping the quality/safety issue in mind. This would be the same approach as building a resto rod using a repro body/chassis.