I think its time you return to the mainland and get a real picture of what is happening. I remember how the wife and I where greeted the weekend right after 911 when we visited Hawaii unbelievable greeting but I did return home, as I now look back maybe it was because we were the only ones on the plane as most of the others had canceled their flights. As far as selling a replica its all in knowing how to market your vehicle and I would have had a much better chance at a much higher asking price before you told every one I owned only an Elegant Motors replica. Of course right now my cobra is not for sale so this is a mute point. We have all learned a lot about cobras here at club cobra there was less than 1,000 original CSX cobras and even though Shelby is back his are continuation cobras not replicas, but has he surpassed the original number of a 1,000 units? Superformance around 2,000, Backdraft, 600, and that perky butt Factory Five 6,000 units, soon all will have surpassed the original counts. Actually the higher end cars are where some of real problems are like a new CSX4000 with a aluminum body bought from Kirkham for $13,000 and put on a Shelby which will only cost you $20,000 now. I'm I paying $7,000 more because of the name Shelby, hell yes? We had speculators raising the prices of homes in my area to the point I could not have moved to Florida a few years back and bought my home because it was 3 times its original price I paid. Why is gas at $4.00 a gallon, again speculators as it takes 6 months to get a barrel of
oil from the field to the pumps. Again I like all of the cobras out there and until they actually stop selling, people will either leave the business or join the others making a new cobra replica. As you can see Hoofa started with a Factory Five to make the Hoofa Machine and if he wasn't making it to please Hoofa I'm sure some where some one would purchase his car and make it their own.