Not Ranked
For the golfers amongst us.
I know there are afew guys and possably Gals in here who play golf.
Well although the following events did not happen to me, I was on hand to witness it.
On Saturday I played in the Monthly Medal comp at Alice Springs golf club.
I played with my usual golf buddy and all was going ok without to much excitemnet (and even less great golf) When Toby hits his tee shot on the par 3 15th, it is a 171 metre hole (188yards) The green is blind due to high bunkering at the front of the green.
We get to the green, no ball in sight, so Toby wanders off to the back of teh green to look for his ball in the area where they normally collect.
He finds no ball there and is styruggleing over to believe that he has hit it through the back by so much, when a playing partner looks in the hole, and there is his ball sitting it the bottom.
After much laughter we get to the bar where Toby happily puts $200 down to buy everyone a drink.
Sunday was a 4BBB, as the the quailifying round for the Club Championships for 4BBB is on next Saturday.
Toby and I team up as we always do for team events, we get to the par 3 5th hole, 124 metres (138 yards) I hit first, nothing special of to the right, Toby hits his 8 iron, hits it well, has the usual little fade he hits, the ball lands middle of the green and starts rolling toward the hole, We all watch in disbelief as it falls in to the cup.
Yep, 2 hole in ones in 1 weekend.
We all give him curry about another $200 gone for shouting the bar.
We then get to the par 3 12th 191 metres (210yards) he hits his 5 wood, the ball is flying dead straight towards the hole, we all start saying a few choice words, the ball lands about 5 metres short of the pin and bounces right, it stops about 3 foot away, pin high.
He tells me later, he actualy started praying for it to miss, said he could not afford another $200.
So does anyone know what the odds are on 2 hole in ones in 2 days, or 2 in 9 holes?
Cruising in 5th
Never be afraid to do something new, Remember, Amateurs built the Ark: Professionals built the Titanic.