I guess I really should explain something on that video. We are using the upper roller die as a "hard" bending die. The tube bender guys said we "couldn't" do that and it wouldn't work!
The top roller is made to support the tube as you do a variable radius (I will post a video of that tomorrow). You are not supposed to bend around the roller. Never tell me or Sandwich you "can't do something.
We had to bend around the top roller because the car has 2 different hard radii in it. Our machine is "only" a 2 stacker machine (that means we can have one hard bend and the other slot is taken up by the roll bender. We needed 2 hard bends, so we just designed the roller die to be the same size as the 2nd die that we needed. The bender is really crazy. You can bend a helix or all manner of strange shapes. It is really cool. Too bad it was so expensive!