In regards to the post from, he most certainly has his wires crossed. You can view the original pipes at My husband and I also have quite a few patent pendings for our products.My husband and Ron designed the pipes in our shop in Carleton, MI. This was a partnership on the superformance sidepipes as posted by craigal in 2004-2007 however.......... The dyno sheet that craig is referring to was definately done with his car, however, my husband hand built the pipes that were on that car for those runs. And Craig is fully aware of this fact. They were not Firefly Performance pipes, Firefly was just created in 2007. These are the same pipes that are on Craig's car today. All of the Firefly Performance sidepipes are direct copies of
Buckshot Racefabs original stainless steel sidepipes. Our shop sits on 5 acres in the town of Carleton. Ron and my husband were talking at one time about building a shop to house several Cobra cars on our property. Ron lives in a subdivision with a 2 car garage which at the time had no tools to speak of. Our shop is fully equipped with the tools required to fabricate anything. My husband is a certified welder and is a machine repairman/journeyman with Ford Motor Company. He is also a certified master mechanic. We have been building streetrods, racecars, customs etc. for over 35 years. Buckshot has been in existence since the early 70's
You need to ask yourself this question: "Why did Craigayl post from 2004 until 2007 touting the partnership and results of Buckshot Racefab/Dean and Ron and all of a sudden everything is Firefly and Ron". Why do you think this is? My husband and I know the real reason and so does Craig and Ron.