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Old 07-13-2008, 11:40 AM
barnwidow barnwidow is offline
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In regards to Gary Osborne, you my friend have been misinformed as well. These pipes were the results of Ron Roberts showing Dean his brand new SPF and asking what Dean thought. Dean's response was, "It's a really nice piece but, the pipes are lacking". This is how it all began. Ron asked Dean if he thought he could do better and Dean's response was, "I can do way better", and thus the partnership began with Dean building the pipes at our shop. Craig Aylsworth's pipes were hand built by Dean at Buckshot Racefab. Dean has built many other peoples pipes and many other parts for the cobra. Ron's design is Ron and Dean's Buckshot design. Unfortunately only one person is getting the credit when there should be two people getting credit ( Buckshotdean) also. Thanks for the reply although someone else is trying to take the credit. We are pleased to hear that you are happy with Buckshot Racefab pipes.

Last edited by barnwidow; 07-16-2008 at 07:26 AM..