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Old 07-13-2008, 11:38 PM
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running into some big discrepancies... the flared fender appears to have a bit of a wider outside radius then what I have, but the big issue iis the panel under the turn signal. Very obviously flat on this reference image, I big inward curve toward the bottom edge on mine.

I'm not sure how best to handle it with the brake vent there (this would require scrapping a lot of the front end and remodeling... a daunting task with the detail I have already put in.) Even if I were to do that, without solid blueprints or an actual car to base this off of, as I try and correct for that, I risk distorting other parts of the car.... Something I will sleep on and figure out a game plan tomorrow.

At this point I am completely overwhelmed at the idea of pounding out these parts in aluminum by hand... how did AC do it and now Kirkham? Insanity!

The headlight needs a bit more massaging at this point but feels to me about right. You can see how there is only half a body. I model just one half then mirror and weld when I get everything sorted. It's a nice way to insure perfect symmetry (which doesn't mean it will be correct, just symmetrical ).

Last edited by Berg; 07-14-2008 at 01:58 PM..
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