Nah. I not going to slam anyone for suggesting the Continuation is a replica and should've been in the comparison of a real vs. replica. They're either just misinformed/ignorant as to the Continuation series or just being a jerk by again putting the car down most likely due to sour grapes. Anyway for the misinformed, to educate themselves they should visit which clearly explains SAAC's official postion and view of the Continuation series. Last I read this site is fully behind SAAC and supporting it.
Also as Ernie pointed out Shelby's endorsement doesn't make the Superformance a "Cobra". CobraEd do some more reading on what an endorsement is or study what Ernie said.
Very simply the comparison by Classic Motorsports between the Superformance and an original Cobra was an interesting comparison. One is a Cobra the other, very simply is not and merely a look a like that is not but merely referred to as one in a generic sense. The two cars differ in drastically in composition, specification and design.
A comparison between the Continuation series Cobra and a vintage Cobra would not yield much difference except if the engines were different or spring rates were different. They are identical in specification. The Continuation if set up with the same spring rates and engine output should be identical in performance to the vintage. Not much to read about there except one is older and one is newer.
BTW standing behind what your car is in the face of "put downs" doesn't make you a "snob" nor is being proud what it is. For those that believe it makes you a snob then I confess to being a snob and will continue to be. Just a brief response to a wise a$$ remark directed at me on another thread.