Originally Posted by Buzz
Kasi, like others have stated, the opportunity to own a good example of a Hi Tech replica does not come often and should be seriously considered. For the most part, they are far and away a cut above most other manufacturers and one of the most accurate and correct looking Cobras outside of the originals.
A few - probably due to the requests and actions of the owners - may have been sub-par in final execution, but mainly they are as good as it gets in the replica business and it sounds like the owner of this car did an exceptional job. The glass bodies were superb looking and were available with aluminum doors, hood and trunk. Frame and suspensions were accurate with many parts interchangeable with the original cars. I'd take one with a 460 in a heartbeat. If you want to be true to the originals the additional amount he is asking for the sideoiler seems reasonable.
Ernie, you really shoulda bought that other car and swapped out the rear axle, buddy!
BTW there is a fella in Aruba who built a beautiful Unique Motorcars Cobra a few years ago. Aruba isn't that big so you should know him. I think his name is Andre and he also had a pro stock race car. He might be a good person to talk to as he seemed to have done his homework when he made his purchase and detailed his build.
I'm in St. Lucia so I'm looking forward to an addition to the family of Caribbean Cobras. Good luck. Buy the Hi Tech.
I know Andre he is a Nivce Fella I saw the Car a couple of weeks ago but it was not in good shape he also changed the BB for something smaller .
Yeeah the Caribbean Cobra Brothers sounds good