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Old 07-17-2008, 10:03 AM
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The AACA ( Antique Automobile Club of America ) recognizes the Continuation series in their SGCV ( Second Generation Collector Vehicles ) Class. The SGCV Class definition is in the Judging Guidelines on page 53. Note the comments by the AACA Vice President of Class Judging at the end of this Reply. While there may be, I am not aware of any other vehicle having been accepted by the AACA in their SGCV Class

From the Judging Guidelines, caps are actually used in the Guidelines


Excerpts from previous correspondence with the AACA Vice President of Class Judging:


RE: Second Generation Collector Vehicles

I am referencing the article on page14 of the November/December edition of Antique Automobile regarding SGCV.

In the Shelby 2007 Annual titled Shelby, there is an article regarding the various Cobra models offered by Shelby Automobiles along with the CSX Numbering Systems-enclosed.

Quotes from the article:

" Shelby Automobiles is still building brand new Cobras today "

" Built in pretty much the same configuration as the classic Cobra in the '6os, each car comes with a Shelby serial number with a CSX-series VIN "

When these vehicles are 25 years old, will they qualify as an AACA SGCV ?


" Please take note of the first sentence of my reply stating that when the Cobra's produced by Caroll Shelby reach 25 years of age from date of manufacture they will qualify as an AACA SGCV under today's description of the class.

.................the Cobra being produced by Caroll Shelby I am pleased to inform you that this vehicle would qualify for the SGCV class upon reaching 25 years of age from date of manufacturing.

I would suggest you acquire the following documentation from the manufacturer upon purchase and preserve it with the vehicle.

1- Certificate of Origin
2- Vehicle Build Sheet
3- Production Order
These should be supplied by the manufacturer and kept with the vehicle as verification of its authenticity as a factory built vehicle.

Hulon C. McCraw
VP Class Judging
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