I was in the same boat and was way over the quota. So I sorted all of the pics in my Gallery, and deletes all of the big file sized pics. But you pics are very big (bigger than mine were).
I wrote down all of the file names I deleted that I wanted to reload in my gallery. Then I resized those pics on my hard drive down to 50 to 90 kB size.
But before I uploaded these small sized pics, I created a bunch of albums, which makes it a lot easier when trying to find a pic in my gallery. I did go back to some threads and fixed the link so the pic would show.
Yes, it did take some time. Now, if I want to have a non-Cobra pic on a thread, I load it to Photobucket and then link it to the thread in CC.
Here is the link to my Photobucket site.
When Photobucket is full, I'll just go to another site. There are tons of sites that you can save pics.