I'm running a Dynamic 4-way w/piston bleed and piggyback cannisters from Newman-Haas. Prior to these I was running the non-adj Pro Shocks and, like you, I had them back and forth to Georgia a couple of times.
The guy that runs the shock program at Newman-Haas lives nearby so he came over and took all the required measurements off the car to plug into their software. At that point, feeling really good about my decision to go with N-H, I asked him how much quicker he thought I'd go with the new package. He responded that I might not go any quicker than before, that my current package might have been just what the car needed, but without adjusters I had no way of knowing. The idea with the 4-ways was to get as close as possible with the software and then have 4 variables to test on the track. Most likely I'd run out of sweeps on one or more adjustments and then he would revalve them and I'd test again. Usually, using the software to set up the car, 2-3 revalves would be required to get the package right. But, we are talking about very fine adjustments on a chassis that is so flexible that it can mask those adjustments.
Pro Shocks are known for having very little low speed compression and if you switch I think you will find that any other shock has more LSC. Personally, I'd go with the adjustable shock that comes with the most available tech support, which is why I went with the Dynamics.
Another piece of advice I received, that I found quite amusing, was from the guy that builds all the Ohlins for the top national guys in dirt Late Model racing. It went something like this: " At a World of Outlaw or Lucas
Oil event, if you are 1-2 tenths off the pace I'll build you a set of $4K Ohlins, if you are 5-6 tenths off just make sure your shocks hold
oil and they go up and down..."