Originally Posted by Jim_Ferrell
In support of MVP, I have run with MVP and point out the track time advantage over most others. MVP is running 3 groups which gives you more minutes per day than others running 4 or 5 groups per day. You don't need a sports car to do this; there are plenty of 4 door sedans out there on the track.
Thanks for the kind words. We aim to please. We schdule six, 20-minute run sessions for each of three groups. You will be tired at day's end and keep in mind we are Cobra friendly (ie: convertible friendly). Contact me at
Feffman@MVPTrackTime.com if you have any questions.
Auotbahn on Auugst 18th is SOLD OUT!
PS: Blackhawk Farms Raceway (September 13th & 14th) is filling fast as well!