dlampe MR LAMPE, is this part worth the possible damage of that $15,000.00 dollar motor? JB weld is good for temporary repairs. If the frame is rubbing on the part, you need to modify frame to clear the spot of the rub. This elbow is low pressure which is a good thing. JB weld works good on low pressure areas. There are 3 or 4 different types. 1 doesn't work well on all metals. JB sells aluminium 2 part which works well IF the area is clean of all, paints, oils, dirt. The area needs to be like and operation room. Brakekleen is not the best thing to clean the area with. It leaves a residue in the metal that stop the JB from sticking to. The info is good on the back of the tubes for the repair. Sounds like you need to have 2 of these parts made up until the car has down time for the repair.

I don't think Gateway would like an
oil down from you in Oct. I am sure they thanked you for mowing the grass, and looking for water puddles in the infield.

Oil on the back of your car hitting the tires, could cause one hell of an accident. I know you are very safety minded.

The 2 article where real nice in KC mag. Rick L. Ps You have alot of money, time, and family too think about also. Fix the frame or redesign the part to clear the area. Do you have a picture of the area? Can you thread in the elbow a couple more threads to clear the frame? Change the direction on the tube and add a 180 turn? Use a different fitting with a 360 degree rotating outlet? Shoot a picture, we can find the answer without benting the frame.

Rick L.