I have clearanced to motor mount so there is no chance of a rub. I have also patched the fitting. I did it yesterday afternoon and it looks great. I hear all the great stories about the JB weld and it seems like a perfect chance to use it. The are different epoxies in all of our cars. They seem to be used frequently in auto manufacturing. I know Clay is probably right. It will work fine since there isn't even a hole in the fitting and it will not rub any more. HOWEVER, Rick and the rest make a good point, replace the fitting and reschedule the dyno. The only thing wrong with what Rick said is the left side of the engine was $15,000 and so was the right side!

I would hate to mess this up. For all those that say I shouldn't do this, have you ever seen JBweld fail? under what conditions?
Rick, there is no other way to make this work. I have the aeroquip and Russell shop catalogs and this is the only way, tight radius -12 180 swivel hose end.