Wondering if I might be able to ask a favour of you kind folks of Indiana.
I'm looking at a low mileage S/H Tremec TKO 500 for sale in Carmel but am wary of the old buy unsighted trap.
Wondering whether I could persuade a kindly soul to have a look see at the transmission and a chat to the seller to see it seems on the level and a worthwhile purchase. I'd need to get contact details from the seller and will chase these now just in case.
My cobra is in rebuild mode and a lot of the gear I've used was not checked because of the relatively short build time I had to meet. My T5 gearbox is actually a throw away and I may as well upgrade if I'm going to buy from your side of the pond.
So I'm hoping someone can help.
I look forward to any replys.
Cheers and thanks