Originally Posted by Joe Wicked
Sorry to hear about your tomatoes Warren. I love fresh veggies from a garden.
I always plant way too much veggies for me. I have 3 different varieties of tomatoes growing ... about 15 plants in all, so the death of a couple is no big deal. I love picking the cherry tomatoes and eating them while I'm working around the yard, or on the Cobra. They are like candy.
I just picked my "second" bunch of cukes. Got 12 huge ones this morning. They are growing like weeds. No, they are growing faster than weeds. Got to make my B&B pickles I mentioned a couple of days ago. Both my neighbor and myself have a garden next to the chain link fence between our yards. We have an agreement that anything that grows on their side of the fence is fair game. I concentrate on cukes and tomatoes. I've tried growing corn, but you have to plant a ton of it, so it takes up a lot of room. Plus the price of native corn is cheap around these parts. They have some summer squash, lettuce, green beans, peppers, and a bunch of fresh herbs.