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Old 07-29-2008, 07:14 PM
Anthony Anthony is offline
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Originally Posted by lineslinger View Post
I don't try play cop and clog up a lane because the guy behind me wants to run 12 mph faster than I do. Just move over and let them pass. Why is that such a big deal? If I see them coming in my rvm, from as much as a quarter mile away, I get the over and let them by. Hell, they get to pay the ticket not me. The guy that sits in the left lane and won't move the hell over is the one who is going to cause the accident.
What a great thread.

I actually agree with terry.

Originally Posted by lineslinger View Post
I don't try play cop and clog up a lane because the guy behind me wants to run 12 mph faster than I do. Just move over and let them pass. Why is that such a big deal?
Because it's likely that the AH wants to pull back in front of me and slow down for the upcoming exit, instead of just slowing down behind me, and the other car in the slow lane, and waiting an extra 3-4 seconds to reach his exit. Most drivers are ignorant, especially the fast driving ones driving vettes. That's why I drive my POS SUV in the fast lane at about 5 mph above the limit, and don;t move over. If there is someone infront of me driving 5 mph slower than the limit, I just change lanes to the slow lane and pass them. WHAT A BIG DEAL. And it gets me when they have to pull out from a side street right in front of you, when there are no cars behind you, and then turn off the road after going 0.5 miles. What a bunch of idiots. I like it best when the truckers line up side by side, up a hill, going 40 mph with a speed limit of 65.

Like I said, GREAT THREAD. We need more of them like this.
"After jumping into an early lead, Miles pitted for no reason. He let the entire field go by before re-entering the race. The crowd was jumping up and down as he stunned the Chevrolet drivers by easily passing the entire field to finish second behind MacDonald's other team Cobra. The Corvette people were completely demoralized."
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