I picked up another 302 today from a lincoln with less than 40,000 when wrecked and has been sitting for 20 years, cylinders are, were, full of
oil in fact I drained over 2 gal out, have the intake off and its clean as new. I will be removing the heads to check the cylinders and do a port and valve job. I'm waiting for my intake from ebay. Now I need a 50 oz flywheel and the work begins.
1963 Mercury Monterey 460+ .060 .//Cobra clone, Scratch build frame /302/ T-5 WC / 3.00-9in/FFR mkll body (Broken but repairable) /91 Lincoln Wire Wheels
N.S.M.C Charter/Life Member// Die Hard Blue Oval Nut
The finish is better than the beginning. Ecc7:8