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It IS a liberal left problem...they want to go to war, but don't want to hurt anybody. Remember Clinton sending US troops into hot zones with orders not to shoot? The UN sending them in UNARMED? Ridiculous. We need to re-educate the citizenry (and the left government) in Sherman's war. Total, unequivocal and determined. It is always better to end a conflict faster (even with a greater loss of life) than to let it drag on for years if not decades and centuries (far greater loss of life). IslamoFascism is the threat. Eliminate it by whatever means are at hand.....period. And inform the left that yes, that will mean killing them, not trying to 'win hearts and minds' because that battle is over, and civilization did not win in the case of these savages.
"I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious." Thomas Jefferson