More "social" info on the event here:
From a purely driving perspective, here goes...
Most of us were running in the "Open" group sans instructors.
The track was cool all 3 days, but especially so on Sunday. Track temp about 30 degrees, ambient temp about 40.
On Friday, Cranky, myself and I believe one other, developed brake problems. All corrected and racing continued.
Don Durner (I mean FEZ) also lost his clutch again. Don't know if you remember, but last year he did the same thing with a "borrowed" ERA FIA. It might have something to do with the orthopedic design of his concrete loafers. Not sure.
On Saturday, with Don out of the picture (but very much active behind the scenes), the small blocks dominated the event. I think the fastest in the group was either CRANKY or Al Good in his Pantera!
On Sunday, no breakage and it was Cranky's mission to make me drive faster. Cranky followed me (relentlessly might I add, I couldn't shake the old fart) and he said I drove the line perfectly, was fast in the straights, but I needed to pick up my speed in the corners. I spent the day working on earlier turn ins and less braking. By Sunday afternoon, I had improvrd my times, but I still feel I need a bit more seat time to run with the big boys.
Fortunately, Don was the only casualty of the event. He, however, put more than one car back on the track with his mechanical ability, thanks Don!
Now, about the Pro Trucks, thay man handled us consistently the whole weekend and the only thing to do was to point them by. You would point one by and a freight train of 3 or 4 trucks would blow by you! I was personally b*tch slapped by each truck on every lap of every day.
...I kind of liked it.....