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Our national anthem should contain the phrase "MOVE RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS".
The real dangers are people barreling up on a 55 mph left-laner, then everyone has to pass, then someone will inevitably pull in front of the slow left-laner and JAM on his brakes, spooking the left laner, causing problems....
I usually pull in front of the slow left laners and turn on my right turn signal, then tap my brakes like 15 times. This is, of course, after coming up on them at 90 mph, and tailgating them at 4 feet for 30 seconds, thinking they'd be smart enough to move, but no.
Usually it's some dullard guy or some dumb young girl in some dog**** Camry who is COMPLETELY oblivious to the whole thing...They just have a blank stare. I think they are actually thinking that they are obeying the law and won't attract attention by going 55mph, but they don't realize they are in the wrong ****ing lane!
QUESTION: How much would it cost to take out a full page ad in every major newspaper that said (in white type on an all black page)..
Hey You!
Join the N.R.A. -- Homeland Security begins in YOUR home.
Last edited by cdog; 08-10-2008 at 11:58 PM..