I am not sure that this is the same car, it sure looks like it, I was seriously looking at an original then and do not remember the serial number. Additions to the house to accomodate twin daughters that were 6 at the time and prospect of Two Simultaneous College educations, weddings etc. etc. won out over the purchase.
I bought my first Cobra roadster in 1989 --- an unfinished Shell Valley replica with a 302, T-5 and a Ford 9 inch rear end ---- $24k and sold it a few years later. Unique, an SPF and now the Shelby CSX4264 in the gararge. Along the way I had a FFR Daytona and now the SPF GT-40.
The reality is that we buy these toys with the money that is not ear marked for family, retirement and living life....after that comes the expendable cash for the toys.
Still $675K is a lot of expendible cash
Tony R.